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There have been a lot of questions circling around the return to office and some businesses have to make decisions around real estate and property. What changes or investments might be needed to support hybrid work? The way we used to do things probably isn’t coming back and the way things were done in the past may not actually allow us to reach our true potential.

In this blog, we will cover three points your organizations should consider when it comes to adopting a hybrid workspace. Read more to find out!

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What your organization should consider when adopting adopting a hybrid collaboration space.

During the pandemic, we discovered that being in a physical office space or where you sit are not barriers to productivity and getting work done. There have been multiple technological advancements that have made working from home easier than ever. That being said, there will be times where employees will need to come to the office and do work. As a result, we have seen a shift from the office space being a productivity space to either a pure collaboration space or a hybrid between a productivity and a collaboration space. Here are three considerations when it comes to a hybrid workstyle:

🌏 1. How does your organization enable productivity and collaboration from anywhere around the world?

Whether you’re working from home or from the office, how do you make sure that location is not an advantage? How can we make sure everyone has access to all the information they need to do their job? It is important to consider each employee’s location and accessibility to make organization and management easier on managers.

📷 2. What technology do you employees need for hybrid workplace?

When we talk about the actual physical space, another consideration is making your workspace social by design. This means making sure every employee has access to web cameras and proper microphones to communicate. As well, do your meetings require an online whiteboard or an AV system to allow integration tools that boost collaboration and communication? How do you help facilitate meaningful relationships when people aren’t in the same space? Your organization needs to consider designing spaces and selecting devices for the people that are not in the room as well as creating a richer hybrid experience for everyone.

🔮 3. Anticipating the future of work - the Metaverse.

What will a mixed reality or a Metaverse meeting look like? Maybe one day we will walk into a blank room with no furnitureand put on a headset to create our own canvas. To enable an infinite office situation where we can quickly throw up a training room or a conference room is still down the road but probably not that far off.

For now, it means access to all the information and tools to do your job regardless of where you are (i.e., location is not an advantage), making the workspace social by design, and deciding what investments we need to make to allow people to create relationships in meeting rooms and other spaces.

To learn more, watch the 4-mintue video below by our Chief Technology Officer and
download the one-pager "What technology do you need in a modern office?"


ProServeIT Academy 2022-2022: Modern Work Course

As digital transformation is actively happening, many organizations look for digital tools to improve their productivity. One of the most popular suite of tools widely used across various industries is Microsoft 365, which includes Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, etc.

Join Tony at ProServeIT Academy's Modern Work Course to hear about how other organizations have been using these tools to achieve their business objectives and growth, and ask any questions you may have. Learn more about ProServeIT Academy 2022-2023 here.

PSIT Academy - Modern Work banner

Choosing the right technology can create a better user experience!

The goal is to make your employees’ lives easier, not harder. The right tools will save them time, increase their productivity, and help them do their jobs efficiently. So, remember when choosing tools for your business, keep these three things in mind: less is more, set standards and maintain consistency, and integration is key. By following these guidelines, you can avoid over-investing in tools and create a better user experience for your team.

Need some guidance with investing in the right tools for your business? We can help! We designed our Technology Roadmap Lite specifically for CEOs and C-suite executives to assist them in brainstorming the various elements of a Technology Strategy Framework. Click here for a 30-second video that will give you an overview of our technology framework.

Learn more and contact us today to book your own Technology Roadmap Lite!

Edited by: Betty Quon and Rachel Nguyen



By ProServeIT
September 01, 2022
ProServeIT Corporation is a Toronto-based, leading IT solutions provider with over 20 years of experience helping businesses across various industries leverage technology to drive growth, enhance efficiency, and boost productivity. The blog and articles are authored by ProServeIT’s team of seasoned experts, sharing their insights and knowledge to help businesses stay ahead in the fast-changing tech landscape.
